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The 10 Most Abundant Elements in the Earth's Crust

Source: CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 77th Edition

Element           Abundance                               Abundance
                    percent by weight parts           per million by weight
Oxygen             46.1%                                        461,000
Silicon              28.2%                                        282,000
Aluminum         8.23%                                         82,300
Iron                    5.63%                                         56,300 
Calcium            4.15%                                         41,500
Sodium             2.36%                                         23,600
Magnesium      2.33%                                         23,300
Potassium        2.09%                                         20,900
Titanium           0.565%                                          5,650
Hydrogen         0.14%                                            1,400
5/15/2013 07:19:44 am

Thanks Alot bro...!!!! God bless you...:)


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